Wikiloc Outdoor Navigation GPS
Maps & NavigationWikiloc Outdoor Navigation GPS is a popular app for outdoor enthusiasts that allows users to plan, discover, and navigate various outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and running. The app offers access to millions of trails, routes, and waypoints around the world, and it provides detailed information about each one, including difficulty level, distance, elevation, and photos.
Discover millions of trails, routes, and waypoints around the world.
Plan and create custom routes using the app's route planner tool.
Navigate trails and routes with GPS and offline maps.
View detailed information about each trail or route, including difficulty level, distance, elevation, and photos.
Record your own outdoor activities and share them with the Wikiloc community.
Save and organize your favorite trails and routes.
Access the app's features without a subscription, or upgrade to a premium subscription for additional features like 3D maps, live tracking, and more.
The app provides access to a vast database of outdoor activities and information, making it a great resource for outdoor enthusiasts.
The route planner tool is user-friendly and allows users to create custom routes easily.
The app's offline maps feature is useful for navigating areas with poor internet connection.
The community aspect of the app allows users to share their own experiences and discover new trails and routes recommended by others.
The basic features are available for free, while the premium subscription offers additional features for a reasonable price.
How to use
Other Information
Maps & NavigationPrice:
Offered By:
Wikiloc Outdoor
Official Website:
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